Memorial Jewellery / Pendants For Ashes

After loosing my dear Nonna & my fur baby Mya, it has felt more important than ever to create ways for others to gently remember their lost loved ones. Providing a sense of comfort in being able to hold your loved one close.

From simple urns for ashes & pendants for ashes using resin, to finger print jewellery & palm print keepsakes.

Pet memorial jewellery including dog nose print necklaces & paw print pendants.

I provide a small array of beautiful memorial jewellery options & we can work together to create something truly special to honour your loved one.

Price starts from $85AUD

Screw Top Urns For Ashes

With these screw top urns for ashes you are able to put the ashes in yourself. This is a great option for those who cant and/or don't feel comfortable posting their loved ones ashes. I have a small amount ready to ship or we can work together to create one special to you. I have a simple collection of charms and gemstones that you can choose from to customise & make it special to you. Available in copper only.

Size approx:

Including the top and bail - 55mm tall and the glass bottle is 15mm wide

Ready To Ship

price starts from $85AUD

Permanently Sealed Urns For Ashes

These urns have the ashes permanently sealed in, meaning you would need to send the ashes to me before I can proceed. The image shows the front and back of this design. It's kept simple with a small gemstone. I have a simple collection of gems you can choose from to customise. Available in copper only.

Size approx:

Including the top and bail - 35mm tall and 15mm wide

Prices start from $120AUD

Ashes In Resin

With this design you have the freedom to custom make a crystal pendant from my copper range and I can add the ashes to the back. We can go as simple or elaborate as you like. You can get inspiration from the pieces in my shop HERE or have a look at past designs on my Instagram page HERE.

Available in copper only